Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Deppest Fear

back to years ago ... when i was in junior high school , i watched a movie called "coach carter" in my friend's house . there is one part of the film which i love the most . it's when one of the cast said these :

our deepest fear isn't that we are inadequate . . our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure .
it's our light , not our darkness that most frightens us ..

i was so interested with that topic so i ended up discussed it my friend . a special friend of mine .
he explained about fear to me , and until now i never able to forget his words . and i decided to share it .

this is his explanation :

ketakutan terbesar bukanlah pada saat kita tidak cukup kuat untuk diakui dan dipuji .
melainkan memiliki kekuatan tanpa kelakuan yang mencerminkannya .
bukan pada hinaan , melaikan apad saat bergelimangan pujian kita seharusnya takut .
orang yang memiliki kekuatan sejati adalah orang yang tersenyum saat dihina .
karena kekuatan datang dari dalam hati bukan dari pujian orang .
kemenangan sejati adalah pada saat musuh menghormati kemenangan kita .
"kerendahan hati"

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