Thursday, August 27, 2009

beberapa jam yang lalu ,, gue bru nyadar skg ini tgl 27 ..
ada apa dgn 27 ?.
27 adalah tanggal dmn gue lahir ke dunia ini ! voila .
nah . ketika 5 bulan yg lalu , pas gue berumur 19 thn . gue jadian sm seseorang .
ahh kalo aja gue masi jadian , gue uda 5 bln sm dia ..

pertanyaan nya adalah :
kok putus ?
gue jawab :
mau gmn lg ,dia yg minta .
tanya lagi :
kok bisaa ?
jawab lagi :
well , shit happened .

asumsi org alo baca ini . gue pasti ngelakui suatu kesalahan fatal . huaaaaah
pdhl gag sama skali . .

it's like this :
he's the one who cheated on me .
i'm the one who forgived him even before he asked me to .
but at the end .
he dumped me , for another girl .
great isn't it ..

tmn" gue bilang gue tolol , gue bego .yeaah . mgkn .
gue tll baik sm dia , tll sabar , tll pemaaf . smuanya terlalu ..
tp kan smua nya krna wktu itu gue tll sayang sm dia .
see ? another "terlalu"

mau bilang kalo cinta itu bikin gue buta ?

here .. someone says this :

Love is not blind - it sees more , not less .
But because it sees more , it is willing to see less .

tapi 1 hal . .
gue gag pernah nyesel pernah sayang sm dia . wlpn dia sll nyakitin gue , wlpn dia sll bikin gue nangis , wlpn dia bikin gue gag nafsu makan smpe berat gue turun drastis , wlpn gue baik bgt ke dia tp gag pernah dihargaiin dgn pantas .
gue gag nyesel .

why ?
because . as a matter of fact , i learn a lot of things from this broken relationship .